Hung's Arts Foundation

Revel in the boundless beauty of Lacquerware. Serena Hung loves the elegant and vibrant cinnabar color, and who could resist the geometric shapes characteristic of the Yuan dynasty? Or the exquisite details found in the scholar lingering in the garden motifs of the Ming dynasty? They all have their unique treasures waiting to be revealed. Hold it in your hand and experience the texture, the years of patience and brilliance that was achieved by the artists of that era.
  Carved cinnabar, octagonal four-tier box and cover
Mid-late Ming (16th Century)

Since the Warring States period, lacquer boxes have played an important role in daily use. According to archaeological records, the earliest existing examples are the fourteen boxes found in the tomb of Zeng Hou Yi. This octagonal lobed box has four seperate tiers and one cover. It is decorated with a lion chaseing a brocade ball. The scrolling leafs and flowers around them enhance the vitality of the decoration.