Hung's Arts Foundation

Hung's Arts Foundation chairman Steven Hung began his appreciation and collection of fine antiques with incense bronze 20 years ago. In 1989 he and his wife Mrs. Lindy Chern traveled to America. One weekend afternoon they found a Ming dynasty incense burner in the town of Belmont, located in the San Francisco Bay area. Since then they both fell into the diverse and richly gratifying world of bronzes and enamelware. From a single color enamal to a golden splashed pot, these luxurious metal and expertly crafted relics have been admired and were the launching point for their commitment to support antique research.
  A pair of cloisonné enamel seated Qilin
Ming Wanli (1573-1619 AD)

Qilin is an auspicious animal found in Chinese decorative motifs, and became very popular starting in the Yuan dynasty. It is easy to tell that this pair of cloisonné enamel seated Qilin is dated during the late Ming dynasty just from observing their glaze color and gesture. The gesture for example is a great indicator of age. During the middle of the Ming dynasty, Qilin is always bandy on both fore and back legs. From late Ming to early Qing, the fore legs are no longer bandy, but stick up while the back legs keep the bandy. After Qing Kangxi period, the gesture of Qilin begin to stand up on both the fore and back legs.