Hung's Arts Foundation

The Northern Wei dynasty Buddha, Matriya, first led us into the grey and black world of Chinese sculpture. The amazing sense of calm and fluidity represented in harmony through the stability of the stone. The skillful handwork from these masters can still be felt and shared as one looks at the intricate and bold details that still hold form through thousands of years. A sense of time is at once amplified and at the same time bridged as one can clearly see the effects that aging and survival has had on these works, yet still clearly see the remaining mark of the artist's hand.
  Standing Bodhisattva
Western Wei (535-556 AD) Limestone

This standing Buddha Bodhisattva is 45 cm in height and carved in limestone. It was excavated in Shangxi province China and is a typical sculpture from the Western Wei dynasty. The face of this Bodhisattva may appear to be that of a foreigner, however on the contrary, he looks and dresses in a Han costume. Take his wardrobe for instance, he dresses layer by layer with belt and hanging jade ornaments, the very same style of dress that would be worn by elites and officials of the Western Wei dynasty.